México.- Durante el pasado fin de semana se llevó a cabo, en México el certamen de belleza Miss Global, el cual no tuvo un desenlace feliz, ya que en plena transmisión, la representante de Colombia, Jesenia Orozco, denunció que el concurso hizo fraude. El momento quedó grabado en video.





There is always a positive to everything. We learn from every single thing we experience. One person actions will not change the way I feel about everyone else. Lots of these girls are very young and like I did when I was younger I made a lot of mistakes. I have nothing against anyone of them. I will live with the good moments and memories. Those are the things that are priceless. I studied legal Studies for a reason. Because I believe in justice. I believe in doing things right. I am American, therefore I believe in the constitution and I”m freedom of speech. I believe in keeping it real at all times and the only person who understands are those who know me. Nothing against anyone but we have to be a light to the world. We need to be fair. We need to stand up for each other. Maybe my spirit is too free. I could be a bit too expressive. I saw the interview from Miss Mexico and it”s ok for her to try to defend her name but everything is so obvious that I don”t see the point. If anything she shall say sorry girls I made a mistake perhaps that will help more than saying I”m angry because I did not win. At no time did I mention anything about the crown. We are all queens not because of how we look but because of our character, essence, respect to society, humanity, passion, kindness and so much more. All this is emotionally and physically draining but as I said it from the beginning I will be me all the time from day one till the end and what you all saw from me all the time was me. Never ever stop being yourself no matter what people think. I love humanity. I love the world. I love animals and I care for all of these strong woman. I have so many things in my mind that I could write a book. I am glad I meet all these woman and pray that we all find peace in our hearts. Learn to forgive and understand that God has everything under control. The darkness will come to light and everything will be in place. I still have hope that this world will become a better place.

Una publicación compartida por Jesenia Orozco (@jessyvorozco) el

Según el portal “Suelta la Sopa”, una fuente cercana al evento indicó que Van Pham, presidente de la organización, incluyó más candidatas en las rondas eliminatorias de la que se habían acordado previamente.

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Así que la representante colombiana no se quedó callada y al concluir el discurso del anfitrión, comenzó a gritar en el escenario sobre las supuestas anomalías.

“Es un fraude, es un fraude. El señor pagó. Hay una corrupción inmensa en México y no es justo. ¡No es correcto lo que están haciendo aquí! Es una falta de respeto. ¡Tienen que ser justos!”, vociferó Orozco, quien también acusó varias irregularidades durante el certamen que, dice, ella misma presenció.

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Más adelante, la colombiana escribió en Instagram stories: “Qué gran desastre que viví en México. No es culpa de la gente, todos fueron muy lindos conmigo. Pero odio las injusticias, la corrupción, la falta de respeto, la falta de ética. Estuve un mes sin mi hija con el propósito de demostrarle cosas grandes. Pero lamentablemente no salió como lo había planeado. Todo fue un desastre al final. Qué experiencia tan desagradable”.

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